Isabella & the pot of Basil

A branding experience as a deep dive into the pottery field. It can serve several e-commerce entrepreneurs (flower industry, product designers, interior designers, the beauty industry, and art galleries). The objective and goal are a story and product with more meaning than what you initially see.

This branding package was inspired by the genius Pre-Raphaelite painter William Holman Hunt, known for his intense interpretation of the classic "Isabella and the Pot of Basil," as well as John Keats's poem.

2021 • Exclusive pre-made branding experience
Art direction . Branding . Illustration . Web design . UI/UX . SoMe
Isabella & the pot of basil
Stories of a potter

My first pre-made branding package inspired by the poem of John Keats entitled Isabella & the pot of basil, but also by the painting of William Holman Hunt with his intense interpretation of this classic.