Advises, branding principles and strategies you can start to implement.
What about a plan? Reach that next step mindfully?
For Entrepreneurs Let's go deep and talk about your ''Now'' to your ''Future'' branding moves. Keeping its fundamental values, but also revealing it more.
👉 Goals: clarity on your branding. I guide you through changes needed for a contemporary, readable, efficient, and more personalized experience for your customers & clients.
Content creation social media package Social media avatar, Instagram posts grid, templates, animated gifs, LinkedIn headers, ads…
*360 experience package From print to web design to social media package.
For entrepreneurs, founders, brands We start from the beginning! We rethink your new brand identity, values, systems, voice and storytelling. From print to web, we create a branding experience that matches your objectives of growth and customers.
👉 Goals: a 360° Degrees with a focus on a sur-mesure brand voice. A personalised, incarnated, iteration-focused. A Collaborative and an educational process.
Monthly support with strategies and tools to empower your branding
Mentoring, opportunities
For Creatives! Specifically designed to support you in your creative entrepreneur journey. You understand the power of a personal brand as a creative, yet, you need guidance and empowerment on your journey.
👉 Goals: craft that personal brand and build a creative ecosystem. A support to master your branding in motion.